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Monday, November 21, 2011

Stealing as a hobby

What would you do if you see an old man stealing things from the supermarket? This happened last week when I was in TSB Supermarket. I was rushing to buy groceries for tok when suddenly I saw an old man in his fifties stuffing a small packet of milk powder into his pocket. What's more, he saw me looking suspiciously at him and he pretended like nothing was wrong. He was even tapping his pocket to make sure that the milk powder was placed nicely in his pants. Gila kentang la ini pak cik. I was in shock and never thought that such thing would happen to me. Selalunya kerja mencuri ni budak kecik yang tak matang je buat. Ada juga rupanya orang tua yang mencuri.I felt very guilty for not telling that to the staff as I was in a rush.

Aku cerita benda ni kat mat arep dan dia cakap mungkin mencuri hobi pak cik tua tu. Maybe he likes to steal from the shop. It's not that he does not have money to buy it but it's just his hobby. Apa ke pelik la orang tua tu. Mencuri pun dikira hobi. Oh. Lagi satu, dia boleh buat macam tu pasal poket seluar dia besar. Orang tua kan selalu pakai seluar jenis kain licin tu. Ditambah pulak dengan baju kemeja style orang tua. Ala.You just imagine a typical image of an old man kat kampung. Gitu la rupanya. Sumpah kalau teringat balik benda ni, I feel very guilty because I was witnessing the whole scene. Terang tang tang dia mencuri. Rasa geram.

I just hope that he gets his lesson one day. Mungkin Tuhan tak tunjuk sekarang, mungkin di akhirat nanti. Moral of the story, setiap manusia pasti ada kekurangannya. Tak kira tua atau muda.

p/s: Ku ingat makin tua makin bertaubat. Ini tidak....alahai!


L said...

boleh jadi kot... hobi yg xbermanfaat.. ish4
jom bacer kejap..=)

eDdY said...

loo...patut ko report je Z2ck..
len kali dier wat camtu x pernah serik..huhu

Irfa said...

mungkin dr muda dia buat perangai camtu membawak le ke tua bawak perangai tu

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