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Monday, October 4, 2010

No pun intended?

Bila orang tanya soalan maksud certain perkataan dalam BI, aku sehabis baik akan tolong jawab.Sambil tu aku pun boleh belajar new vocab.Tapi yang satu ni sampai sekarang aku masih kabur tentang maksud sebenar dia.Cara nak apply pun tak tahu time bila.

In case some of you tahu maksud word ni, dialu-alukan untuk tinggalkan komen.Sama-sama kita belajar ye.

1) What does it mean by "pun"?
2) And how about this phrase, "no pun intended"?

Pening kepala aku nak faham konsep perkataan ini.Wordplay?


Mr Daha said...

pun ialah "lawak". Macam kalau pelawak bercakap, dia akan letakkan elemen pun dalam percakapan dia.

no pun intended tu maybe dia cakap dia xberlawak..

Thats all i can help.. kalau salah sila maafkan. :)

[z@ck] said...

Mr Daha...
yup.btol tu.cuma aku tak tahu bila masa sesuai nak guna istilah ni.hahaha.

hawanasir said...

contoh dalam How I Met Your Mother. Ada satu episode Marshall & Lily beli rumah yg lantainya senget. Then Marshall said "If we have a daughter, I would have to name her Eileen (I LEAN)".

Now if he was serious (about naming her Eileen), he would say "no pun intended". But it WAS a pun, he meant it as a joke, so he didn't say so. Get it? (:

sorry guna reference from tv series :D

[z@ck] said...

ya..dah faham dah =)

Ourbloggerlists said...

Ha3.. nice one dude.. by the way, i love How I met Your Mother. ha3.

Qib said...

sy pun confused!!~

Jum Singgah yer
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Shocking Fact about Justin Bieber!

eDdY said...

bagus la z@ck wat entry nih...
aq pon mmg dah lamer nak tanya pasal ni...xtau nak guna kat mana...haha

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