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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sabah trip: Tip of Borneo, Tanjung Simpang Mengayau, Kudat.

Kitorang excited sangat nak sampai sini pasal nak tengok the northenmost tip of borneo rupa dia lagu mana. Cuaca sangatlah panas sebab kitorang sampai around 1 petang. Time matahari tengah pacak atas kepala. Even aircond dalam kereta pun tak dapat nak cover kepanasan kami. Berpeluh peluh ketiak. Pantai kat situ, subhanallah. So beautiful. We did not manage to snap the picture of the beach because we were too mesmerized with its beauty sampai tak sedar dah sampai kat top of tip or borneo. Ada a few houses and locals yang tinggal dekat sini. I wonder how they get the needs for their livings. Sebab nak keluar ke pekan, its quite far away. Probably they catch the fish from the sea. But still, macam susah ja nak hidup kat tempat yang sangat terpencil. And they are darker compared to people who live in Kundasang. Mana tak legam. Duk tepi laut. Dia punya panas dan bahang lain macam. Seronok tengok the kids main tepi pantai, terjun suka hati dalam laut. Macam enjoy sangat. Dah hidup dorang macam tu kan.

Tengok gambar balik baru ingat nama tempat kat sini. It is located in Tanjung Simpang Mengayau,Kudat. So, enjoy the pictures guyyyyysss...

Nampak tak Filipina kat hujung sana? Heh..Acah je lah. =P

 A foreign couple was having a sun tanning here. To tell you the truth, time ni matahari tengah pacak atas kepala but these lovely birds rileks je lepak kat situ. 

 Ewah ewah. The farthest I could go. A few steps more could cause me a taste of death. Huhu. Ikutkan hati, nak turun bawah tu tapi ombak laut sangat dahsyat. 

 Darlings. Me love you mucho mucho.

On our way back to Kota Kinabalu, we stopped by the roadside to buy the traditional baked corn. I found it very unique and healthy because they did not put any additional seasoning to the corn. They just baked the outer layer of the corn and the taste was so good. Original. Sweet and juicy. And the price is low. Itu yang cheq suka. Jangan tertipu dengan rupanya yang hitam legam kat luaq tu. Isi dalam dia, pergh! Terbaik habaq hang!

Later I'll update our adventure in Kota Kinabalu pulak ea. Toodles!


Unknown said...

bile u nk hntaq gmbaq kt i.. i terpakse printscreen tauuu hahahah

Unknown said...

bile u nk hntaq gmbaq kt i.. i terpakse printscreen tauuu hahahah

eDdY said...

waaa...cntik betol...hihi :)

Zie Madini said...

Cantik tempat tu kan. Ttg mat salleh couple tu...well, omputih memang suka berjemur di pantai. Hihi

Ismail N said...

Well done. Kalau pegi Borneo, jangan sampai lupa ke tempat ini. Tak lengkap lawatan itu.

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