Lama kan tak blog? Well, I guess tuntutan kerja mengatasi segalanya. Sometimes ada je masa nak blog tapi malas sebab tak ada benda sangat nak cerita melainkan cerita yang sama. Kerja kerja dan kerja. I go through the same routine everyday. 6.45 am keluar kerja. Balik around 3-4pm. Hey, jangan ingat cikgu cukup masa loceng akhir bunyi boleh balik tau. There are so many things to do instead of teaching. Malas nak merungut. I guess you all pun tahu kan kerja apa yang banyak. Sometimes rasa diri ni la cikgu, diri ni jugak la kerani sekolah. Mana janjimu nak provide satu kerani untuk 3 orang cikgu? Mana? Haish. Today I went back around 3.30 pm. I couldn't stand staying longer. My head was in pain sebab mengadap pc sekolah lama sangat. Edit minit mesyuarat. Bila masuk GB baru, terpaksa la ikut style dia pulak. Sebab tu sampai sakit kepala mengedit minit. T_T Siapa yang nak jadi cikgu zaman sekarang, you have to be strong. Kerja sekolah sangat banyak. Tak tipu. Tambah pulak sekolah kecik. Lagi la banyak. Tambah pulak freshie. Siap la korang. Tapi dalam merungut ni pun sebenarnya banyak benda baru yang aku belajar. As the GB said "Tak pe Zafirah. Awak akan slow slow belajar banyak lagi perkara lepas ni" I have to take it in a positive way la. Kalau asyik negatif kang, tak berkat pulak gaji yang aku dapat.
Oh. Hari tu cuti seminggu I went back to Alor Setar. Even though I cuti seminggu, still I didn't have time to update here. My day was pack. Most of the time I jadi driver ma'am besaq la. 3 days in a row we went to pasar tani. She was using me fully to her advantage.
"Pirah, tok duk angan-angan nak pi Pulau Timbui tak dapat-dapat lagi. Aku nak pi bagi zakat kat depa sama."
"Pirah, esok pagi kita pi pasaq borong. Sana ikan murah-murah."
"Pirah, esok kita pi Pekan Ahad. Aku nak cari bawang nak buat acar."
"Pirah, esok kita pi Pokok Rhu. Cari halia. Habih dah halia pun nak buat acar"
"Pirah, satgi kita pi makan kenduri kat depan sekolah. Lepas tu kita pi kenduri Mak Ngah Kiah hang pulak.Aku tak masak dah hari ni. Kita makan lauk kenduri ja."
"Pirah, jom pi tengok Tok Long hang sat. Lepas tu aku nak cari perabot nak letak ataih rumah."
She gets her house renovated and painted. Pak Su told me that she did it because she could sense that my big day is coming. She even asked me directly when will his family come and discuss about us. Seriously, I was shocked and not expecting that was coming from her. Aku pulak yang stress bila dapat soalan macam tu. Bukannya seronok dapat green light. Hahaha. The pressure is definitely on mat arep right now. I do not want to push him since he is in his final year. Insya-Allah he will finish his course this month and will be hunting for jobs. Actually we have planned it earlier to get married by 2015. The earlier the better. So, for now I cannot say anything yet since he is still struggling to finish his course. I hope you guys can pray for us. To be frank, at this age, all I ever want is to get married and have kids. I am tired of being alone here and want a company. Bernanah dah telinga mat arep tu dengaq aku asyik kata nak kahwin ja. Blood pressure terus naik!
Noh. Dari bab kerja, pergi ke bab ma'am besar sampai ke love story aku membebel. Ok lah. Cukup setakat ini dahulu.
betol..sgt lama da x update..haha..tpi ok la jugak ko ade update skit2 camni..aku da dekat setahun x update..malas dan xder idea..haha
moga di permudahkan urusan ye dik
orang tua dulu2 mmg gitu,tak tunjuk syg ngan kata2 tp dgn perbuatan
as salam ... :) love to see ure back ?? ermmm ... jgn biar blog bersarang lama sgt .. nanti terus ' padam'. By the way it's good to hear ur story being a driver to ur TOK. She really needs someone to take her here and there. It's not possible for her to take a taxi what else a bus. It's too RISKY .. with her ' big n shining ' bracelet .. he he .. that would turn those ' unwanted eyes ' on her .. he he .. well; she is really an active grandma who love cooking as well. YESSss .. she's very strict :) but she a GOLDEN heart esp towards her cucus !! .. Ur career is just at the beginning stage so please ... whatever need to be done or instructed to be done .. do it sincerely and 'vigorously' ... u wish u all the best. BTW ... pray to Allah swt so that u and Mat Arep will finally be ' together ' as both ' of u wish .
doakan yg terbaik for both of u...amin
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