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Friday, February 7, 2014

Sabah trip: Tagal Sungai Moroli, Kg Luanti.

After having a refreshing bath at Kipungit, we went to Tagal Sungai Moroli Kampung Luanti to experience a fish spa. Why is it called fish spa? Because basically the fish will surround your feet and when you feed them food, they will suck your hands to get it.Selagi tak dapat, selagi tu la dia menghisap. Not to worry, it does not hurt at all. Sebab ikan ikan ni tak ada gigi pun. Nampak ja godang, tapi tak ada gigi. Kihkihkih.

On our way, we dropped by to see the blooming rafflesia. Korang kalau nak tengok rafflesia tepi jalan, you better bring local people with you. Or else, they will charge you so high. This is due to periodic time of the blooming rafflesia. Fastest way to make big cash on certain time only. Rafflesia ni bukannya berkembang setiap masa. They can only do their bussiness when it is blooming. That's why the fee is expensive. Lucky us, Syam managed to get us RM 10 for 3 people fee to see the rafflesia.

Woaaaahhhh..Tak perlu nak masuk Taman Negara untuk tengok ni!

Jenuh adjust cam nak bagi masuk muka bersama rafflesia.

Back to fish spa story. We waited for our turn. We were given about 15 minutes to experience the fish spa. No wonder the fish are so big. Ramai yang bagi makan. Tambah tambah time holiday kan. Untung jadi ikan kat situ, tadah makanan ja. At first, we were so scared to even go inside the water. Terkejut tengok saiz ikan yang sangat besar compared to ikan yang kasi free spa kat Kipungit tu. Ber'double' besar nya. Risau takut menjerit sorang sorang kat sungai tu. Tapi memikirkan allocation time yang diberikan tak lama, we better push ourselves. 
Too many. Sampai berlayer layer. Huhu.

Omak aii...Geli nak mampuih bila kulit ikan tu bergesel dengan kaki. Rasa licin licin.We stood there doing nothing for a few minutes. Frozen. Tak mampu nak buat apa time tu sebab geli. Came an uncle offering us fish food and taught us how to feed them. Sumpah macam what the heck pak cik ni buat. Tak sakit ka tangan kena gigit dengan ikan tu dsb. Like I said earlier, the fish do not have teeth.So you wont feel hurt.

 Come to mommah!

Bila dah try tu, seronok pulak nak kasi dia makan. There's one time that I fed them and I won't let my hands open. Saja nak seksa ikan tu. Turned out that it sucked so hard my hands turn red afterwards.Terus lepas genggam.Amik la makanan tu, amik! Ada jugak sesekali rasa ikan tu menggigit kaki. Terasa pedih. Mungkin dalam banyak banyak ikan tu, ada yang spesis lain dan ada gigi kot. Anyway, it was a great experience with my dear darlings.

So long and goodbye fish.

Here's a video of us having a fish spa. Beware of our loudness. Hahaha.

A must visit place for you travellers.


suezen said...

haih..aku pun x pernh pegi tmpt ni babe

eDdY said...

ikan apa tu z@ck? besar macam ikan keli je..

Fina Sophie said...

godang tapi xda gigi! haha gelak jap baca part ni. hihihi

Unknown said...


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